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Welcome to the Wanko-Net!

The Personal Site of an Eccentric Dog


My Blog

This is home to my Neocities Web Blog!! ^^ Here, I will post more lengthy posts on topics or ideas that are better suited for the less restrictive and quick-reads of other social medias.

My blog will be a platform for me to express myself, talk about stuff going on in me and my community's lives, progress on art, vents, and generally a place to keep track of what I've been up to for my own purposes! It's crazy to think that only a few weeks ago, I couldn't have conceived the idea of building a website from html (I'm still in shock at what I have gotten working!!)!

For quicker, and more smaller posted content, I also will still have my page at username wanwan! It's also linked to the upper right, should the code operate!

Recent Posts

03-18-2025 - First Post Silliness