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Welcome to the Wanko-Net!

The Personal Site of an Eccentric Dog


About ME!

Hello and thank you for taking the time to look into this tiny corner of the internet, and the person behind the site!

My name online is Wankoten, or WanWan depending on the platform (I don't really like giving my name out, so hope that's ok)! I'm a soon-to-be 30 (I am a fossil ) trans girl-esque thing (she/her/it/its) that is equal parts water and anti-anxiety meds. I am currently looking into testing for possible Neurodivergence, and as such, have difficulties with certain things like object permanence and registering something when people tell me something, among other issues. I say this to ask for patience if we ever talk over the net! I will cry!

As a kid that only had barely become sentient during the 00s, I became obsessed with what I'd barely understood. My parents first got a computer in 2003 and barely knew what to do with it. So naturally, that meant that me and my sibling got to work using it and learning all the cool stuff inside! >:3 I used to be so into computers that I even thought that I might try my hand at doing computing as my job years ago. However, it became fairly evident that the math and science skills that it required outpaced my brain by several miles

But after a lot of soul searching, I ended up in art, and I don't regret it at all! Being able to express myself (even if I'm not the greatest!) makes me feel a lot better than having all the ideas kept away and unable to find a way to understand them. And that's why I'm here! I wanted to make a nice little page for myself in an attempt, like many others, to reclaim the internet for people to connect on a vast electric ocean, and I think that's pretty cool!!