Welcome to the Wanko-Net!
The Personal Site of an Eccentric Dog
03-18-2025 - First Post Silliness

Hi guys, and welcome to the first post on the blog! It has been some time since starting the website, but it took me a minute to figure out how to actually set up a semi-functioning blog platform on here
So, what to talk about for the first post?
I thought I would share just a little bit more about myself to give a glimpse into what I might talk about, vent about, or generally have reason to blog about!
As I've said already touched on in my About page, I used to have a fondness for computer science when I was younger. I even considered it as a potential field of study! However, as time, and the lessons, went on, I realized that this would be a harder endeavour than I realized. I liked what I had been doing in my high school compsci classes; sitting at my computer chair in the middle of the night, coding away at Python while watching syndicated Japanese television streams. It was so glorious I found Neocities via Tumblr (I think? I can't remember, but that feels right) and I immediately fell in love with the concept. It's exactly like what I had been doing in hs, but just for my own fun, like I feel it should've been all along!
I also was eager to explain the furry section (or lack thereof) on my webpage despite my brief explanation of being one!
I have, more or less, been a furry "lurker" for years and years, but I always had this hesitance to engage more readily and openly into the community. A lot of this had to do with the predjudice that furries have faced for literal decades for multitudes of implied "reasons." Recently, as a curiosity, and a bit of a guilty pleasure, I would listen to furry call-out posts/drama content while I worked on my art. It gave me long-form content to listen to while I worked, and this generally helps me perform long and difficult tasks. I had been listening to regular drama content or true crime, but that at times would simply get too scary (I am TERRIBLE with horror movies for this reason). But as I listened to this content, I wasn't seeing the broader community through the lens of the more infamous denizens, as you would expect from this content. No, what I saw were furries themselves speaking about how great their community is, how inclusive it is, and how they are best known for their inclusion of everybody. It was truly a very heartwarming listen to listen to these creators, artists, fursuit makers, and internet personalities express what they get by being in the community and how close-knit and family like it is for so many people. And for many people, it might be the only family they have that are around or accepts them! I truly resonate with that message so much, and I feel that I'd like to more openly and presently be a part of the community to express my equal passion and sympathy for a community that is, at it's core, looking out for each other and bringing people of all types together. If that, and the idea of having a cute dog as a digital avatar, makes me a furry, then dog-gone it I'm a furry! ^^