Welcome to the Wanko-Net!
The Personal Site of an Eccentric Dog
Art and Stuff

I don't know really what kind of art I do the most, or the best, because I kinda feel like I can do a bunch of different art at not the best levels T-T
HOWEVER! I will showcase what I do make heeeeere.
This includes:
- Analog Media Art
- Music
- Creative Writing
- Photography
- Digital/Drawn Illustration
- Whatever else peaks my fancy at the immediate moment (my brain cannot focus)

Analog Media Art

I really really love using older formats and mediums to create new art and ideas. It's actually exactly why I love neocities so much! I never got to experience sites like geocities in their prime, so I want to utilize neocities to live that experience for myself and reinvent it in a way that only I can! I also love working on older analog devices.

Some of my hobbies include digitizing vhs and dvd media, collecting cd's and vhs, taping to vhs, and connecting current/modern devices to older/analog systems. Currently I have my Roku running on a tiny CRT beside my desktop computer for a small little aesthetic tv/stream watching platform!

I've always loved music and have been doing something music-related ever since I was really little. I like to bounce around different ideas and genres from time to time, from weird ambient drumb and bass, to relaxed beat tapes, all the way to plunderphonic gabber noise! I can't say much of it is super "fit to print," but I will post some samples of what I've been working on of late, and maybe even get to a point of having an album of cohesive songs